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BCM ‘Sharpens Mobile-Optimized Interactive Video’ for Schick Xtreme3

Beeby Clark+Meyler has launched a mobile-optimized interactive video for Schick Xtreme3 razors to introduce consumers to the world of Comfortopia. The video suggests that “consumer packaged goods marketers would be well-served to offer interactive elements in their mobile video campaigns,” writes Alexandra Samuely for Mobile Marketer.

comfortopia screen grab

Comfortopia, which is available on a dedicated site as well as on TheOnion.com, with whom BCM partnered to create the effort, showcases the “land of indisposable comforts,” which includes Xtreme3 razors. Visitors to the site can browse items ranging from headphones, video game consoles and the Schick Xtreme3 razor, and drag their top three indisposable comforts to the designated icons for a chance to win all ten products. They are also able to interact with a quirky host named Lutz, who offers a different dramatic reaction each time a user clicks on one of the ten possible indisposable comforts.

“BCM takes a ‘mobile first’ approach to most everything we do, not just video. We think it’s the smartest, most effective way to develop any content for cross-platform delivery,” BCM Principal-Executive Creative Director Tom Beeby tells Mobile Marketer.  “Brands and marketers should keep in mind which communication channels constitute prime real estate for their advertising efforts, especially when leveraging mobile video,” continues the article, with Beeby adding “Start from the smallest palette, and adjust upwards according to usage behaviors and available real estate for each platform.”


“The idea behind sharing your three favorites is twofold: 1) to give the video experience viral ‘lift,’ and 2) to give guys who think the experience is funny to get the badge value that comes from being the first in your group of friends to share something funny….to give your friends a laugh,” Beeby said.

Read the full story here.

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