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James Mullany to Speak at OMMA mCommerce

In the world of mobile shopping, shorter consumer attention spans with constant but intermittent small screen viewing create a unique challenge for marketers. What ads move the shopping needle? And where’s the line between a shopper receiving an unexpected message they perceive to be creepy and one they consider brings them great value? James Mullany, senior analyst, performance media & partnerships at Beeby Clark+Meyler, will address these questions and more at OMMA mCommerce August 7 on the panel “The Split Second Approach to Intercepting Shoppers.”

Joining James on the 12:15 p.m. panel are James Citron, president, Outspoken; Craig Elimeliah, SVP-Director of Creative Technology, RAPP; Alex Lirtsman, co-founder and partner, Ready Set Rocke; and moderator Ted Boezaart, Vice President, Moxie Interactive. Speakers at OMMA mCommerce will delve into the complex and evolving issues surrounding mobile shopping today, with a focus on successful ways to better serve the mobile consumer throughout their digital shopping journey.

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