#NuggsForCarter: What a 16-Year-Old’s Plea for Chicken Can Teach Brands About Twitter
Social media history was made today. A previously unknown 16-year-old from Reno, Nev. now reigns supreme as the owner of the most-retweeted tweet...
Social media platforms are constantly vying to be the channel of choice for users. Last year, Snapchat won the coveted number one spot by a landslide, adding 50 million daily active users in 2016 alone. Snapchat has also managed to capture a younger demographic than its counterparts and Instagram isn’t far behind. In fact, consulting firm Piper Jaffray’s semi-annual survey “Taking Stock with Teens” showed that Snapchat was the preferred social media platform for 35 percent of respondents, with 24 percent preferring Instagram. Facebook and Twitter were the platform of choice for 13 percent of respondents.
Daily usage data paints an even more accurate picture. I recently attended a presentation at Social Media Week in New York City that revealed 87% of teens surveyed use Snapchat at least once a day. Not far behind is Instagram, with 82% of teens logging in on a daily basis. Now, Facebook is trying to get in on the action with the introduction of their own “Stories” function – and it’s not the first time Facebook has been caught copying Snapchat. All of this leads to the bigger question: why has Generation Z ditched the likes and pokes for snaps, streaks, and filters?
Snapchat and Instagram’s Winning Factors
Engaging Generation Z on Snapchat and Instagram
Teens flock to these platforms and the advertising world is scrambling to reach them. But, to be successful in engaging these users – brands need to rethink their traditional advertising strategies. Snapchat, and Instagram (for the most part) are user-dominated and controlled networks. To truly engage users, brands need to stop thinking like marketers and start thinking like Generation Z users.
Here are a few ideas:
To be successful, it is essential to build Instagram and Snapchat strategies focused on teen audiences that connect with Generation Z in an authentic, timely manner. Whether it is featuring familiar influencers that align with the age and gender of the audience, or geographically targeting high schools and colleges, there are numerous ways in which our brands reach out a virtual hand to Gen Z’ers.
Nowadays, teens have the ability to curate a relationship with a brand early on in the game, and decide whether or not a brand is worth interacting with at any given moment. So, ask yourself, is your brand up to the challenge?
Social media history was made today. A previously unknown 16-year-old from Reno, Nev. now reigns supreme as the owner of the most-retweeted tweet...
Brands on Facebook have seen a declining number of posts reaching their network without paid influence. In the early days of brand pages, you could...
From the apple-pushing snake of Adam & Eve to Leave it to Beaver’s Eddie Haskell, the world has been blessed with a rich lineage of influencers who...