BCM ‘Sharpens Mobile-Optimized Interactive Video’ for Schick Xtreme3
Beeby Clark+Meyler has launched a mobile-optimized interactive video for Schick Xtreme3 razors to introduce consumers to the world of Comfortopia....
The NewFronts are the digital world’s answer to the TV upfronts, but in 2014, should there even be a distinction between the way we treat digital and “regular” television programming? According to Beeby Clark+Meyler principal Michael Clark, we should “Forget TV … it’s a device, it’s hardware.” What’s important, Clark told TheVerge.com, is, “What are [these companies] doing to draw viewers in?”
To read the full story, visit The Verge online.
Beeby Clark+Meyler has launched a mobile-optimized interactive video for Schick Xtreme3 razors to introduce consumers to the world of Comfortopia....
Customer lifetime value is not an easy calculation, and many marketers are unsure of what aspects of CLV they should be focusing on. In a new e-book...
“Schick has launched a campaign that leverages its relationship with The Onion for the personal care brand’s Xtreme3 razors,” writes Karl Greenberg...