Al Cadena to Speak at Inside Social Marketing Conference

Al Cadena to Speak at Inside Social Marketing Conference

Al Cadena, Senior Account Director at Beeby Clark+Meyler, will be speaking at the Inside Social Marketing Conference in a panel session titled “Staying Strategic in a Busy Social World.” Cadena will join several other industry executives to discuss staying on top of trends, adapting to different networks, and how to bring social marketing together for a community and business.

The Inside Social Marketing Conference takes place Dec 3 – 4 at the New Yorker on 481 8th Ave in Manhattan. The conference brings together marketing professionals, digital advertising experts, social media veterans, and business owners for two days of top-level networking and fresh insight into maximizing social success across all platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, and more.

BCM Wins IAC Award for Outstanding Social Media Campaign

BCM Wins IAC Award for Outstanding Social Media Campaign

Beeby Clark+Meyler’s Playtex Baby Social Voice entry won the Outstanding Social Media campaign award in the 2014 Internet Advertising Competition.

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Mariana Rodriguez to Speak at SMX Social Media November 19

Mariana Rodriguez to Speak at SMX Social Media November 19

Beeby Clark+Meyler Senior Account Director Mariana Rodriguez will take the stage at SMX Social Media on November 19 to talk about paid social, and...

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BCM’s Mike Civins to Speak at Engage: Millennials

BCM’s Mike Civins to Speak at Engage: Millennials

Looking to partner with a social media star? Join Beeby Clark+Meyler Senior Account Manager Mike Civins at Engage: Millennials on September 16 to...

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